Unveiling Your Path to Financial Well-Being

Delve into a realm curated exclusively for you, exploring tailored solutions designed to nurture your prosperity. Join me, the singular owner of Planted Seed Agency, on this journey of financial growth.

Fostering Prosperity, Building Security

Insurance Services

Insurance Services

Life Insurance

Ensure your loved ones' future with our comprehensive life insurance services. Our tailored offerings encompass term life, whole life, and …
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Individual & Family Health Insurance

Elevate your health with our extensive health insurance services, catering to individuals, families, and professionals. Our private health …
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Supplemental Health Insurance

Enhance your coverage with our Ancillary Insurance service, ideal for self-employed individuals seeking affordable health protection. In …
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Burial Insurance

Prepare for your final expenses journey with our comprehensive burial insurance service, offering free final wish guides, estate planning …
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Affordable Care Act Health Plans

Easily navigate the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with my expert assistance service. I specialize in guiding individuals, families, and …
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Plan for Medicare Coverage Enrollment

Enroll in Medicare seamlessly with my assistance. Whether you're 65 or older, I'll help you sign up for Parts A and B, or Part A only, …
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